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The Nora Pigeon Mysteries
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Solving Crime

    One Tail Wag and

          Tarot Card at a time

Her detective nephew rolls his eyes and calls it her “ancient methods of inquiry.”

Nora smiles and says, “Thomas, dear, the oldest form
inquiry is simply to observe - but asking the Ouija a question every now and then never hurts.”

"A soon to be classic among readers of cozies. Almost too ingenious." 

        L. Lee Kane, author of Black Madonna and Death on the Vine

Coming Soon:
A Most Curious Conundrum
in Cricket Hollow
                          A Nora Pigeon Novella

From helping her best friend sort out a deadly family drama, to exonerating a woman charged with killing her husband with a dousing switch, to solving the theft of precious ancient runes, Nora Pigeon never fails to find the truth. Using her "ancient forms of inquiry," and a crew of human and canine friends, Nora stays one step ahead of law enforcement and forever in the way of her beloved and often exasperated nephew--Sheriff's detective, Thomas J. Pigeon.

Make Mine Mystery Interview

Find here a recent

interview about Nora Pigeon

and her host of human and canine crime solvers.

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Cast in Stone
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