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Prickly Pear Press -


A publishing company developing its roots.

In 2017 I decided to take the self-publishing path for my books.
It has been an interesting trail. I find that I enjoy the process (but, mostly after the books are done and they find their spots on Amazon!)
In working through the steps to publishing - writing, editing, formatting, pushing the completed manuscript to Kindle and paperback - my community of writers, editors, readers and graphic experts has grown. Several of us are interested in helping others publish their books.
My contribution so far in this project is that of a professional cover designer.
See my work at:
So, the plan for late 2020 is to take my growing publishing skills and graphic arts, collaborate with other similarly skilled authors and make Prickly Pear Press a small company to publish other authors' books. We'll see how it goes!
                                                                                          Krista Lynn
The Sunset Canyon Series

Stories of Cozy Mystery, Suspense, the Supernatural...and Romance

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